Hubungan Peer Appearance Culture Dengan Body Image Pada Remaja Usia 14-15 Tahun Di SMPN X Bandung
Zakiyah Dinhudayah
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
Adolescence Girls, body image, Peer Appearance Culture, Peer Influence
Perubahan fisik pada remaja perempuan karena proses pubertas membuat remaja lebih fokus dan memperhatikan tubuh serta penampilannya secara keseluruhan. Sementara, teman sebaya merupakan hal yang penting pada diri remaja. Berdasarkan model sosiokultural pada body image, penelitian ini ingin melihat hubungan antara peer appearance culture dan body image pada remaja usia 14-15 tahun. Jones (2006) menyatakan, peer appearance culture terdiri dari kumpulan pengalaman bersama dengan teman sebaya dalam tiga domain: appearance culture among friends (appearance conversation and body change talk), peer evaluations (peer appearance pressure, appearance teasing, vicarious appearance teasing), dan peer acceptance concern (appearance based acceptance, peer appearance comparison). Body image diukur menggunakan modifikasi alat ukur MBSRQ-AS yang dikembangkan oleh Thomas F. Cash (2000), yang terdiri dari lima dimensi: appearance evaluation, appearance orientation, body area satisfaction, weight preoccupation, and self classified weight. Partisipan dipilih melalui teknik purposive sampling, 118 siswi di SMP X usia 14-15 tahun terpilih menjadi partisipan peneltian. Menggunakan analisis statistik Pearson Correlation, didapatkan hasil terdapat hubungan negatif yang signfikan antara peer appearance culture dan body image pada subjek peneltian, dengan nilai korelasi r sebesar -0,334. Diantara tujuh dimensi peer appearance culture, appearance conversation with friends and peer appearance comparison memiliki skor tinggi pada subjek dengan body image yang negatif.
In adolescence, women’s bodies went through some physical changes due to pubertal phase. This rapid changes has created response that concern on evaluation about bodies and an overall appearance. At the same time, peers becomes important during adolescence. Based on sociocultural model in body image, this research aims to examine the relationship between peer appearance culture and body image on adolescence girls (age 14-15). Jones (2006) stated, peer appearance culture was consist of accumulated experience with peers in three domains: appearance culture among friends (appearance conversation and body change talk), peer evaluations (peer appearance pressure, appearance teasing, and vicarious appearance teasing), and peer acceptance concern (appearance based acceptance, peer appearance comparison). Meanwhile, body Image was measured with the modification of MBSRQ-AS scale developed by Thomas F. Cash (2000), which has five dimension: appearance evaluation, appearance orientation, body area satisfaction, weight preoccupation, and self classified weight. The sample was selected using purposive sampling, and a number of 118 student in X Junior School selected aged between 14-15. By using statistical analysis Pearson Correlation, this study showed that there is a significant negative association between peer appearance culture and student body image, with correlation coefficient r = -0, 334. Among the seven dimension of peer appearance culture, appearance conversation with friends and peer appearance comparison score highest on participant with negative body image.