Modern Market Growth And Changing Map Of Retail Food Sector In Indonesia
Ronnie S. Natawidjaja, Ph.D.
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding Of The Pacific Food System Outlook 2005-2006 Kun Ming China, May 10-13, 2005
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding Of The Pacific Food System Outlook 2005-2006 Kun Ming China, May 10-13, 2005
Modern Market
According to BPS, the first supermarket in Indonesia was recorded in early 70s and there was no further development within ten years. It was not surprising since it was a difficult year for Indonesia. At that period, Indonesia was recognized as the highest rice importing country and inflation was unbelievably high. Figure 1 describes that in the period of 1968-77 there was remain only one supermarket registered in Jakarta. Then, the supermarket was growing very rapidly since 1983 along with the early stage of economic growth and increase in income per capita marked as the beginning of the green revolution era. In that period, the government of Indonesia very seriously builds the food sector by expanding its production to achieve self sufficient in rice. As the result, agriculture productivity, especially rice, grows very rapidly and its welfare effect to the economy was very significant. Rice as the main staple food was available at low price for urban dweller, at the same time the farmers in the rural area enjoyed an increase in come from the increase of productivity and production.