Public Sector Support For Inclusive Agribusiness Development An appraisal of institutional models in Indonesia
Ronnie S. Natawidjaja, Renyasih
Universitas Padjadjaran, An Appraisal of Institutional Models in Indonesia. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nation, Rome, 2014
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, An Appraisal of Institutional Models in Indonesia. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nation, Rome, 2014
The new agribusiness era is characterized by a shiftfrom family farms to strategically placed commercial production and processing units linked toexporters and modern retailers. New sophisticated and globalized procurement practices have beenmainstreamed to comply with food quality andsafety standards, including traceability requirements, reduce transaction costs and minimizerisks. Changing consumer preferences (especiallyfor pleasure, health, fitness, convenience and ethics)and concerns about the impacts of climate changeare pushing the agribusiness sector to new heightsof performance and innovation. This changing agribusiness environment isalso placing increased pressure on ministries ofagriculture (MoAs) to engage in agribusiness andagro-industry development. In 2007, FAO’s Committee on Agriculture identified the review andreform of institutional mandates for agribusinessand agro-industries as a top priority (FAO, 2007), and in recent years, its Rural Infrastructure andAgro-Industries Division (AGS) has received manyrequests for strategic advisory support for agribusiness from countries such as India, Kenya, Nepal,Pakistan, Sierra Leone and Swaziland.