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ANALISIS KEPUASAN PENGUNJUNG BERKUNJUNG KE AGROWISATA DENGAN KONSEP EDUFARMING DI PT. JENDELA ALAM PARONGPONG KABUPATEN BANDUNG BARAT – Analysis Of Visitor Satisfaction On Agrotourism With Edufarming Concept On Pt. Jendela Alam Parongpong Subdistrict Bandung Barat Regency

ANALISIS KEPUASAN PENGUNJUNG BERKUNJUNG KE AGROWISATA DENGAN KONSEP EDUFARMING DI PT. JENDELA ALAM PARONGPONG KABUPATEN BANDUNG BARAT – Analysis Of Visitor Satisfaction On Agrotourism With Edufarming Concept On Pt. Jendela Alam Parongpong Subdistrict Bandung Barat Regency
Gugun Arioditha dan Endah Djuwendah
Prodi Agribisnis Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Faperta UNPAD
Gugun Arioditha dan Endah Djuwendah, Prodi Agribisnis Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Faperta UNPAD
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ABSTRAK. Kepuasan pengunjung merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang mendukung perkembangan agrowisata, karena keberlangsungannya ditentukan oleh nilai kepuasan pengunjung yang datang menikmati wisata tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik pengunjung dan tingkat kepuasan pengunjung agrowisata PT. Jendela Alam yang menerapkan konsep edufarming. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengunjung agrowisata PT. Jendela Alam sebagian besar (70 persen) berjenis kelamin perempuan berstatus sudah menikah dan berumur antara 30-39 tahun. Tingkat pendidikannya sarjana strata satu (67 persen) dan berprofesi sebagai guru. Informasi tentang obyek wisata pertama kali sebagian besar melalui teman. Umumnya tujuan berkunjung adalah untuk study tour (47 persen). Alasan penguinjung datang karena program dianggap menarik( 46 persen). Seluruh pengujung berminat datang kembali ke PT. Jendela Alam. Tingkat kepuasan pengunjung terhadap lokasi, ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana, produk dan pelayanan petugas termasuk kedalam kategori puas.

ABSTRACT. Visitor satisfaction is one ofimportant factor supporting the development of agrotourism because that sustainability posted by value determined visitor satisfaction who coming to enjoy that tourism. The research goal is to determine the characteristics of visitors and visitor satisfaction rate of agroturism at PT. Jendela Alam which to apply the concept edufarming. Research shows that visitors agro PT. Natural window big majority (70 percent) status Women sex are married. The age betwen 30-39 years old. The post graduade strata level of education (67 percent) and work as teachers. Information about attractions that first big partly through friends. Generally, the purpose of visit is to review the study tour (47 percent). The reason from visitor to coming because the attractive program(46 percent). The entire end tend t Come Back TO PT. Natural window Satisfaction visitors Against location, availability of infrastructure, products and services officers included in Category satisfiction The result of research shows that visitors agro PT. Natural window big majority (70 percent) status women sex are married The visitors age ware 39 years old. The level of education was post graduate (67 percent) and work as teachers. Information about attractions that first big partly through friends. Generally, the purpose of visit is to review the study tour (47 percent). the reason of visitorsn because of the program considered attractive (46 percent). The entire end want to come back to PT. Jendela alam. Satisfaction visitors against location, availability of infrastructure , products and services officers include into the satisfied category.

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