The Effect Of Institution Reputation On Public College Services Value (A Study In The Faculty Of Mathematics And Natural Sciences Of Public Universities In West Java)
Meta Arief, Wa Ode Zusnita
Universitas Padjadjaran, The International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management (QIK) Conference Proceedings 19th-21st February 2014 Bandung, Monash University
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, The International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management (QIK) Conference Proceedings 19th-21st February 2014 Bandung, Monash University
Reputation, Services Value
Public universities areoften considered as a good quality college by the majority of Indonesian society. Therefore, the interest for public universities always get higher every year. Thousands of prospective students are competingto get admitted in public universities, particularly in reputable public universities. An intense competition to become a student in a reputable public universities raises some sense of pride over the success of admission in public universities . An assumption which is understandable considering that the resources and facilities available at reputable public universities areadequate. Level of experience, number of professors and lecturers, as well as a number of amenities and facilities provided by the government, make public universities easier to progress towards a better organization of higher education services. The research instrument used is questionnaire, through the survey method with the analysis unit of public universities students.The determined population are the students ofFaculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at three reputable public universities in West Java, namely: ITB, IPB, and UPI. There are 375 final year students respondents that were taken by random sampling. Institution reputation variable that is represented by Achievement (Credibility and Trust), and Responsibility dimensions, as well as Services Valuevariablethat is represented by Functional Value, Emotional Value, and Social Values dimensions,were analyzed descriptively verifying. Results showed that the Reputation achievement factor is an indicator that has the greatest validity in comparison to the responsibility factor. While respondents feedback to the Services Value dimensions indicates that the services value of the three public universities are in the “appropriate” category. Statistical test states that 27% Reputation contributes to affecting students Value Services in respect to their universities.