The Development Potential And Character Of Women Entrepreneurship
Prof. Yuyus Suryana Sudarma, S.E., M.S, Dr. Wa Ode Zusnita Muizu, SE.,M.Si
Universitas Padjadjaran, GARCOMBS Program Conference and Abstract Pursuing Pentahelix Industry Collaboration : An ASEAN Regional Integration Challenge October 14th-15th 2015 Bali, Indonesia
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, GARCOMBS Program Conference and Abstract Pursuing Pentahelix Industry Collaboration : An ASEAN Regional Integration Challenge October 14th-15th 2015 Bali, Indonesia
Entrepreneurial development models, Entrepreneurship characters, women's entrepreneurial character
The Government needs to take serious efforts to solve women unemployment problems with the development on women’s potential and entrepreneurship characters with a learning model that is effective and efficient. To perform these efforts were not easy, takes a lot of time and needs tenacity or sufficient expertise as well. But if the women unemployment problems were ignored then it worried will affect on social vulnerability, increasing the number of poverty and an obstecles in other development processes. This study aims to obtain potential and women’s entrepreneurial character development models. Research uses descriptive and verificative methods. The unit of analysis is the women who became entrepreneurs and women who do not have jobs. Determining the location of samples was by cluster random sampling. Preliminary results of the research in the first year can be explained as follows : (i) Women’s potential to be a successful entrepreneur are so potential to be developed, as shown by some of the women were quite successful develop their business, (ii) Women’s entrepreneurial characters who have business shows that they have strong and unique characters, such as a high work ethic, do not easily surrender, innovative, creative, dare taking risk and future-oriented