Organizational Learning And Knowledge Management
Koernia Purwihartuti , Ernie Tisnawati Sule, Hilmiana, Wa Ode Zusnita Muizu
Universitas Padjadjaran, The 2nd International Seminar and Call for Paper in Management and Business "Investment in Marine Industry
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, The 2nd International Seminar and Call for Paper in Management and Business "Investment in Marine Industry
Commitment to learning, knowledge creation, knowledge evaluation., openness of thought, shared values
The Purpose of this article is to examine the concept of organizational learning and knowledge management based on the results of the research that have been conducted by the previous experts. The Method which is used in this article is literature review related to variable organizational learning and knowledge management. Reason for the use of the method of literature review is that this research aims to make the most appropriate to construct a variable of organizational learning and knowledge management, especially for service companies. The Results showed that based on the results of the study on organizational learning dimensions consists of the commitment to learning, shared values and openness of thought. Dimensions of knowledge management consist of identifying and determining the needs of knowledge, collecting knowledge, knowledge creation and evaluation, and utilization of knowledge. Conclusion: Dimensions for organizational learning include a commitment to learning, shared values and openness of thought. Dimensions of knowledge management consist of identifying and determining the needs of knowledge, collecting knowledge, knowledge creation and evaluation, and utilization of knowledge. Knowledge. Organizational learning-related knowledge management. Considering the experts study results showed that in the selection of dimensions and indicators in the field of research need to consider a phenomenon that needs to be considered the most appropriate perspective to the phenomenon of research. Before determining the required knowledge necessary to know the process map of each job to be known by anyone associated with and what information needs to be known to carry out the work.