Diversitas Polen Palmae Pada Endapan Delta Mahakam Resen
Winantris, Adjat Sudradjat, Ildrem Syafri, A.T.Rahardjo
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings PIT IAGI Ke-43, Jakarta 2014 The 43st IAGI Annual Convention and Exhibition
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings PIT IAGI Ke-43, Jakarta 2014 The 43st IAGI Annual Convention and Exhibition
diversity, Mahakam Delta, Palmae pollen
The pollen palmae fossil found by previous researcher in Borneo, including : Proxapertites operculatus of the sediments at Eocene age, Quilonipollenites sp, from sedimentary rocks of middle Miocene and Spinizonocolpites echinatus of sedimentary rocks of the Cretaceous. Nypa fruticans as botanical affinity of Spinizonocolpites echinatus is a species that is continuously being discovered until now. Nypa fruticans is a plant that dominates the plain of the Mahakam Delta today. Nypa is ecologically grouped into pollen back mangrove and Fresh water swamp. The purpose of the research is to find Palmae pollen types that can be used as an identifier of the delta depositional facies. The area of Mahakam Delta has become a habitat for many types of palmae, especially in the delta plain. A total number of 60 samples from the delta plain and delta front has been analyzed. Acetolysis method is used to separate the pollen from sediment. Pollen analysis towards the sediments of the Mahakam Delta earned 28 Palmae species of delta plain and 23 species of the delta front. The pollens can be used as a differentiator between the delta plain facies with the delta front. Sequentially, five types of pollen that dominated the delta plains are: Oncosperma tiggilarium, Nypa fruticans, Eugessona insignis, Pinanga parvula and Cocos nucifera while the pollens that dominated the delta front covers: Oncosperma tiggilarium, Nypa fruticans, Eugessona insignis, Phoenix paludosa and Licuala sp . The presence of pollen palmae in the delta plain reached nearly four times greater than the numbers of the delta front, as well as the diversity index is greater than the delta front.