Characterize Tooth Density Ratio on Dental X-Ray Periapical Radiography Applying Digital Image Analysis
Bernard Y. Tumbelaka, Quranil Hasan, Asep Solahudin, Suhardjo Sitam, Mandojo Rukmo
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
dental infection, dental X-ray periapical radiography, Digital image analysis, Gabor energy and dentomaxillofacial image, Level Co-occurrence Matrix's (GLCM)
Objectives: Periapical radiography obtainable not only by simple check up but it may digitally offer important information through its infected level over its disinfected tooth based on area tooth density ratio. Digital image analysis in dentistry aims to interpret dental X-ray radiography matching as its medical criteria by characterizing the correlation of Gabor energy and optical area tooth density. Methods: Digital image is usually represented by matrix arrays converted from continuous function, f(x,y) to discreet function, f(n,m) and then digitized by numerical approximation method. This digital image analysis in dentistry is very powerful to diagnose and therapy all the way more practice, precise and automatic. Our research in digital dentomaxillofacial radiography is concentrated to characterize tooth density ratio obtained from X-ray digital scanning and to describe disinfected and infected optical area tooth density by digital image analysis applying Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix’s (GLCM) and Filter Gabor. Results: This research is aimed to find tooth density characteristics with parameters that compose GLCM features represented as mean, contrast, correlation, homogeneity, entropy and variance, and also Gabor energy as filter Gabor results. After we found all parameters point of image segmentation, then all values are characterized for disinfected and infected dental X-ray periapical radiographs and data are plotted as characterization curves related to area tooth density. Conclusions: Finally, we can figure out our experiments keeping on tooth density normally, when Gabor energy ratio has been expected with accuracy greater than 85%, valued as R², where dental Gabor energy ratio will be same as tooth density ratio.