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Exploration of Gold Deposits at the Papandayaan Prospect, Western Java, Indonesia

Exploration of Gold Deposits at the Papandayaan Prospect, Western Java, Indonesia
E. T. Yuningsih, E. P. Setyaraharja , Prayatna , H. Matsueda
Universitas Padjadjaran, Abstract with Programs The Society of Resource Geology June 27-29, 2012 Tokyo, Japan
Universitas Padjadjaran, Abstract with Programs The Society of Resource Geology June 27-29, 2012 Tokyo, Japan

Gold exploration at the Papandayan area of western Java and its surroundings has been started since the early 1980s by Antam, state mining company. Since 1990, detail exploration including some drilling activities is ongoing to define the gold and base metal reserves as well as the characteristics of the deposit. The Papandayan exploration included Arinem, Papandayan and Kencono prospects. The exploration started with preliminary study in 1990s on regional geology and then stream sediment sampling was continued with detail exploration of geophysics, scour and infill drilling to 2011s. Stream sediment sampling shows anomalies of Au (11.8 to >15.6 ppb), Cu(91.4 to >106.6 ppm), Pb 27A to- >36.6 ppm) and Zn (218.0 to>264.5ppm). The vast majority of these deposits (i.e., dominated by sulfides minerals of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and pyrite with traces of other gold-associated sulfides) are hosted by dacitic to basaltic volcanic rocks of tuff, tuffaceous breccias and lava, but sandstone, mudstone and siltstone are also host of some gold mineralization. Most of the volcanic rocks in the Papandayan area hosted in the mineralization show the evidence of moderately to strongly alteration. The alteration is dominated by silicification (silica-illite), argillic (illite-kaolinite-silica) and propylitic (chloriteillte¬caronate-silica). Geological structures are predominant by NW-SE and N-S directions with NE-SW trend of strike-slip and normal faults. The intrusions of Miocene-Pliocene are composed of andesite, diorite, and dacite.

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