Hydrothermal Alteration at the Geothermal Field in Bogor Area, West Java, Indonesia
Rinaldy P. Pratama, Euis T. Yuningsih, Yudi I. Kusumah
Universitas Padjadjaran, 4th Asia Arfica Resource Mineral Conference – Algiers October 13-16th 2014
Universitas Padjadjaran, 4th Asia Arfica Resource Mineral Conference – Algiers October 13-16th 2014
Bogor Area, Hydrothermal Alteration, Indonesia, the Geothermal, West Java
Hydrothermal alteration occured at the geothermal field in Bogor area shows interesting phenomena of their hydrothermal system. This geothermal field located about 60km southern of Jakarta on the island of Java, Indonesia. Its located along the axis of the SundaBanda Volcanic Arc, which extends from Sumatera to Flores (Hamilton, 1979; Hutchinson,1989) The geothermal system in this field is liquiddominated, associated with shallow intermediate- to silicic intrusion and fracture-controlled reservoir. The objective of this research is to understand the hydrothermal alteration occurred in geothermal field in Bogor area and to develope stratigraphy and hydrothermal model using petrography and X-Ray Difraction analyzed data and direct temperature measurement.