Natural History of the Anterior Shoulder Instability
Hermawan Nagar Rasyid
Universitas Padjadjaran, Program Book APOA Sports Injury Section Congress 2015 “Advance of The Shoulder and Angkle Instabbility Management” Bandung, February 19-20, 2015, www.apoa2015bandung.com
Universitas Padjadjaran, Program Book APOA Sports Injury Section Congress 2015 “Advance of The Shoulder and Angkle Instabbility Management” Bandung, February 19-20, 2015, www.apoa2015bandung.com
first time dislocation, Instability, surgical stabilization
Instability is one of the major cause of shoulder disability, and in spite of significant research on the topic, there remains significant controversy regarding its etiology, pathophysiology and treatment. While classification systems for instability have been well defined, many issues have become more confused in recent years. Despite improvements in surgical techniques, the role of open and arthroscopic treatment continues to be debated. More controversy surrounds the ideal treatment for first time dislocation, and how to best treat instability after arthroscopy continues to be discussed. The shoulder is the most commonly dislocated large joint. The humeral head articulates with a relatively small glenoid providing significant freedom of motion with both rotation and translation, but this comes with the associated risk of potential instability. However, because the natural history of these injuries is heterogenous, a full understanding of the risk factors associated with recurrence is essential to develop the optimal, individualized management plan. Decision making on performing early surgical stabilization has traditionally been base on mitigating recurrent dislocation while only secondarily considering functional ability and quality of life.