Price Rigidity and Industrial Concentration: Evidence from the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry
Price Rigidity and Industrial Concentration: Evidence from the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry
Maman Setiawan, Grigorios Emvalomatis, Alfons Oude Lansink
Universitas Padjadjaran, Asian Economic Journal 2015, Vol. 29 No. 1, 61–72
Universitas Padjadjaran, Asian Economic Journal 2015, Vol. 29 No. 1, 61–72
food and beverages industry, industrial concentration, oligopoly structure, price rigidity, speed of price adjustment.
Maman Setiawan, Grigorios Emvalomatis, Alfons Oude Lansink
Universitas Padjadjaran, Asian Economic Journal 2015, Vol. 29 No. 1, 61–72
Universitas Padjadjaran, Asian Economic Journal 2015, Vol. 29 No. 1, 61–72
food and beverages industry, industrial concentration, oligopoly structure, price rigidity, speed of price adjustment.
This paper investigates the relationship between industrial concentration and price rigidity in the Indonesian food and beverages industry. A Cournot model of ?rm behavior is used in which prices adjust according to a partial adjustment mechanism. The model is applied to panel data of the Indonesian food and beverages industry over the period 1995–2006. The results suggest that industrial concentration has a positive effect on percentage price changes. Furthermore, the speed of price adjustment is higher when the per unit cost of production rises.
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