Spatial Mismatch Index (SMI) Approach In Bandung Metropolitan Area
Spatial Mismatch Index (SMI) Approach In Bandung Metropolitan Area
Ferry Hadiyanto, Adhitya Wardhana
Universitas Padjadjaran, Economic Journal FE-Unpad Vol. 22. No. 2, September 2007: 154 - 161
Universitas Padjadjaran, Economic Journal FE-Unpad Vol. 22. No. 2, September 2007: 154 - 161
Ferry Hadiyanto, Adhitya Wardhana
Universitas Padjadjaran, Economic Journal FE-Unpad Vol. 22. No. 2, September 2007: 154 - 161
Universitas Padjadjaran, Economic Journal FE-Unpad Vol. 22. No. 2, September 2007: 154 - 161
Bandung Metropolitan Area (Wilayah Metropolitan Bandung-WMB) Ls one of the leading area and Center of National Activities (Pula! Kegiatan NasionalPKA2 which has an important role as a development area engine in West Java province. Currently, the area, which surrounds the city of Bandung, have enlarged to be a leading area and have a strategic role in the structure and economic growth at West-Java province. This paper use an spatial mismatch index to examine the potentials of all economic sectors to become a divergence and convergence sector that can generate investment for the economic growth of WMB.
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