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Analysis of Flyback Current-Fed Push-Pull DC-DC Converter

Analysis of Flyback Current-Fed Push-Pull DC-DC Converter
Mohammad Taufik, C. Arntzen, G. Chavoo, Taufik, Satwiko Sidopekso
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings of 3rd Makassar International- Conference on Eletrical Engineering and Informatics (MICEEI), 28 November-1 December 2012, Makassar Golden Hotel (MGH), Makassar, Indonesia, 2012 Electrical Engineering (Department, Universitas Hasanuddin Supported by IEEE Indonesia Section, IEEE APS/MTT Indonesia Joint Chapter, and IEEE Communication Society (Comsoc) Indonesia Chapter ISBNI 978-602-8509-18-3
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings of 3rd Makassar International- Conference on Eletrical Engineering and Informatics (MICEEI), 28 November-1 December 2012, Makassar Golden Hotel (MGH), Makassar, Indonesia, 2012 Electrical Engineering (Department, Universitas Hasanuddin Supported by IEEE Indonesia Section, IEEE APS/MTT Indonesia Joint Chapter, and IEEE Communication Society (Comsoc) Indonesia Chapter ISBNI 978-602-8509-18-3

This paper analyzes and simulates a Flyback currest-Fed Push-Pull DC-DC converter. The analysis section prowides current and voltage waveforms as well as derivations of the converter’s transfer function in both boost mode (D > 0.5) and back mode (D <0.5). After describing how the converter operates, we simulate a circuit using LTSpice. The simulation confirms that the converter operates in both buck and boost mode with output power at 208W and 8.2KW respectively.

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