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Piezoelectric wind energy harvesting for small scale systems

Piezoelectric wind energy harvesting for small scale systems
Mohammad Taufik, Taufik, Jameson Thornton
Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding Of International Conference On Sustainable Energy Engineering And Application Inna Garuda Hotel Yogyakarta, Indonesia 6-8 November 2012 ISBN 978-602-18167-0-7
Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding Of International Conference On Sustainable Energy Engineering And Application Inna Garuda Hotel Yogyakarta, Indonesia 6-8 November 2012 ISBN 978-602-18167-0-7

This paper demonstrates the possibility of harvesting wind energy using piezoelectric material. The energy is being collected by a proposed new topology called the Stacked Buck converter. The new topology is derived from a standard buck topotogy but allows for sourcing from multiple inputs either independently or simultaneously. The purpose of this topology is to take advantage is several sources of energy harvesting using piezoelectric wind harvesting. The general transier function for the new topology is derived and simulations for various cases to show proof of concept are presented. Results show the potential that the proposed-topology offers for harvesting wind energy using piezoelectric. Initial hardware development will also be briefly presented.

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