Competency Development Of Culinary Creative Industries
Wa Ode Zusnita Muizu, Hilmiana
Universitas Padjadjaran, Academy of Strategic Management Journal Volume 15, Special Issue 3, 2016
Universitas Padjadjaran, Academy of Strategic Management Journal Volume 15, Special Issue 3, 2016
West Java has become a favorite destination of the national tourism along with Bali and DIY Yogyakarta due to the variety of uniqueness, natural beauty, and creative industries. West Java has a lot of creative industries which become increasingly popular as tourist attractions, such as culinary place, art performance, design and fashion. The development of tourism sector is expected to directly advance the creative industries; and so will the advanced creative industry certainly make West Java become a remarkable tourism destination. Statistical data in 2013 showed that economic contribution of the creative industries is IDR 641.8 trillion or 7% of national GDP. Creative Economy also posted a trade surplus during the period 2010 to 2013 with a surplus of IDR 118 trillion. This reality has led to a realization that the current business world will become industry driven by the development of science and technology (knowledge and technology-based industry), not by the availability of natural resources (resource intensive industry). To face this challenge, the main priority to be the concern of the tourism sector and creative industry actors is how to produce business competitiveness through the proper management of human resources (HR). In facing the changing strategic environment which is very competitive, fostering and development of human resources are must things to do. The ability of creative industries and tourism sectors in conducting HR management activities depends on the management capacity to generate, modify and utilize competency of its human resources to achieve the desired result. The application of competency cannot be separated from someone’s ability to use intellectual thought and control emotion. In order that the management can run well, the creative industries need to pay attention to the development of their creative human resources. This is important because the investment in human resources is not small and the results often can only be felt in the long term. This program is also aimed at developing quality and competency of the creative business actors so that they can develop their creative businesses by boosting their productivity and business competitiveness.