Structure Delineation Mapping using Remote Sensing Techniques in Geothermal Prospect Area Kepahiang, Bengkulu
Agil Gemilang R, Cipta Endyana, Aton Patonah, Novian Triandanu
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings The 4th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition 2016 10 - 12 August 2016, Cendrawasih Hall - Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings The 4th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition 2016 10 - 12 August 2016, Cendrawasih Hall - Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia
extracted lineament, Remote Sensing, structural geology, Sumatera fault
Research area administratively located in Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province. Tectonic setting is situated between Musi and Ketaun segment of Sumatera fault. Eastern Ketaun segment occurred dilatational step over to Musi segment. The structural geology in this tectonic setting is of great interest as a research object. Several methods was used in this study, which consist of remote sensing and fieldwork. Structural analysis using satellite imagery ASTER-GDEM was carried out in remote sensing. Structural analysis methods consist of digital lineament extraction, lineament density, lineament delineation, and statistic lineament. Fieldwork consists of surface geothermal manifestation mapping. Digital extracted lineament shows structure orientation pattern. High density lineaments indicate areas with a main structure. The structural play consist of four main orientation, which are NW-SE, NNW-SSE, WNW-ESE and NE-SW. Structural trend NW-SE is associated with hot spring in Kelobak, structural trend NNW-SSE is associated with hot spring, fumarole and mud pool in Kaki Kaba and Air Sempiang, WNW-trend ESE is associated with hot spring in Suban, and structural trend NE-SW is associated with hot spring in Sindang Jati. These structures play an important role as discharge zones indicated by high density lineament areas and geothermal manifestation occurrence. The structural trend related to tensional regime of Musi and Ketaun segment of Sumatera Fault.