Difference Of Endometrial Thickness And Vascularity In Women Stimulated By Clomiphene Citrate With And Without Vitamin C And E
Kurniawan E, Djuwantono T, Sabarudin U, Krisnadi SR, Permadi W, Madjid TH
Universitas Padjadjaran, American Journal of Research Communication, 2014, 2(10): 1-10} www.usa-journals.com , ISSN: 2325-4076.
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, American Journal of Research Communication, 2014, 2(10): 1-10} www.usa-journals.com , ISSN: 2325-4076.
clomiphene citrate, endometrial receptivity, vitamin C, Vitamin E
Objective: To observe the effect of vitamin C and E administration on endometrial thickness and vascularity in clomiphene citrate stimulated endometrium Method: Research design was randomized clinical trial. Both groups were stimulated with clomiphene citrate. Treatment group was given vitamin C and E, while control group was given placebo. Transvaginal ultrasound examination is used to assess endometrial thickness and vascularity (resistance index/RI) in cycle day 2 and 12. The difference between two groups is tested with independent t and Mann-Whitney test. Result: A total of 38 subjects was included as research subjects. Endometrial thickness in treatment and control group have cycle day 12 means of ±8.89 and ±5.9 mm, respectively. In the first and latter group were found differences of 60.76% and 27.26%, respectively. MannWhitney test showed very significant difference p=0.000 (p<0.05) Between endometrial thickness in treatment and control group. Endometrial Vascularity between treatment and control group have cycle day 12 RI Means of ±0.51 And ±0.52. In The first and latter group is found differences of -13.52% and-11.07%. Independent t test showed no significant difference p=(0.217) between treatment and control group. Conclusion: Endometrium stimulated with clomiphene citrate and addition of vitamin C and E is thicker compared to control group. No significant difference on endometrial vascularity stimulated by clomiphene citrate with or without vitamin C and E.