Tuberculous Pleural Effusion: Cytologic Review Of 52 Patients With Corresponding Histopathological Diagnosis
Hasrayati Agustina, Hasna Dewi, Bethy S Hernowo
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
cytology, histopathology, pleural effusion, tuberculosis
Background: Microscopic appearance from cytological examination of pleural effusion due to tuberculous infection is not specific. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of cytology pleural effusion examination in an attempt to diagnose Tuberculous infection. Methods: Fifty two pleural effusion cases from Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung were reviewed in this study. All cases were sputum Acid Fast Bacilli positive and histopathologically showed typical Tuberculosis appearance on pleural biopsy.Results: The mean age of the patient was 39.2 years and 35 cases (67%) were male.Almost all (92%) effusions were Rivalta positive, with mean level of Lactic dehydrogenase and Glucose were 1598.4 U/L and 84.7 mg/dL consecutively. The cytological findings showed moderate to high cellularity but 3 cases (5.8%) werehypocellular. Lymphocyte predominance was observed in 43 (82.7%) cases. Six (11.5%)cases were polymorphonuclear cells predominance. All cases showed scanty mesothelial cells. Proteinaceous background was found in 23 (44.2%) cases. There were no epitheloid cells observed in all cases. Conclusions:Lymphocytes predominance and absence or scanty mesothelial cells were highly suggestive for Tuberculous pleural effusion. Cytology examination alone cannot confirm the diagnosis of Tuberculous infection.