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The Effect Of Testosterone Deprivation On Atheroplaque Formation, Testosterone Receptors, And Collagenization In Wistar Penile Tissue

The Effect Of Testosterone Deprivation On Atheroplaque Formation, Testosterone Receptors, And Collagenization In Wistar Penile Tissue
Imam Dirgantara Azrul, Aaron Tigor, Suwandi Sugandi, Bethy S. Hernowo
Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesian Journal of Urology, Vol. 19, No. 1, January 2012: 23 - 28
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesian Journal of Urology, Vol. 19, No. 1, January 2012: 23 - 28
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Tujuan Penelitian: Mengevaluasi hubungan antara deprivasi testosteron dengan pembentukan ateroplak, reseptor testosteron dan kolagenisasi jaringan penis Wistar. Bahan & Cara: Enam belas ekor Wistar dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, masing – masing delapan ekor, yakni kelompok orkidektomi dan kelompok kontrol yang menjalani prosedur sham. Dua bulan setelah orkidektomi, dilakukan pemeriksaan patologi anatomi jaringan kavernosa penis dari kedua kelompok. Untuk deteksi ateroplak dipakai pewarnaan Hematoxyllin-Eosin, dan untuk deteksi reseptor testosteron dipakai pewarnaan imunohistokimia, sedangkan untuk deteksi fibrosis dipakai pewarnaan kolagenisasi. Perbedaan pembentukan ateroplak, ekspresi reseptor testosteron, dan kolagenisasi dari kedua kelompok dinilai dengan menggunakan uji Chi kuadrat, Fischer, dan uji t independen. Hasil Penelitian: Ditemukan perbedaan bermakna terhadap ekspresi reseptor testosteron dan kolagenisasi dari kedua kelompok, sedangkan dalam pembentukan ateroplak tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna. Simpulan: Deprivasi testosteron seperti pada disfungsi ereksi akibat Late-Onset Hypogonadism menyebabkan perubahan arsitektur jaringan erektil.

Objective: To evaluate the association between testosterone deprivation and atheroplaque formation, testosterone receptors, and collagenization in Wistar penile tissues. Material & method: Two months after orchiectomized bilaterally, penile tissue of eight Wistar were harvested for semi-quantitative analysis of atheroplaque formation using hematoxyllineosin staining. Similar Analysis were also conducted to look for collagenization by collagenase staining as well as the expression of testosterone receptors by immunohistochemistry staining. Control Group were eight Wistar Underwent Sham surgery. Statistical Analysis for atheroplaque formation in Wistar Compare to controlgroup used was Chi-square, Fishers’ Exact test was used for the expression of testosterone receptors, and independent t-tests for evaluating collagenization. Results: A Significant decline in the testosterone receptors and increase collagenization were obtained in orchiectomized Wistar, while atheroplaque formation was not significantly different. Conclusion: Testosterone deprivation revealed a significant decline in the expression of testosterone receptors, and a significant increase in collagenization while atheroplaque formation was not significantly changed.

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