HEBAT! A Drug Education and Sexual Reproductive Health Curriculum for Junior High School Students in Bandung
Zahrotur R. Hinduan, Eka Riyanti P, Mawar Nita Pohan, Miasari Handayani, Irma Anintya Tasya , Elmira N. Sumintardja
Universitas Padjadjaran, 3rdBandung Infectious Diseases Symposia - International Research Seminar in Infection Disease Innovation for Better Control and Care of Infectious Diseases 17-19 Nov 2011 Aston Primera Hotel Bandung, Pre Symposia 1 Early intervention & capacity strengthening for HIV prevention & care
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, 3rdBandung Infectious Diseases Symposia - International Research Seminar in Infection Disease Innovation for Better Control and Care of Infectious Diseases 17-19 Nov 2011 Aston Primera Hotel Bandung, Pre Symposia 1 Early intervention & capacity strengthening for HIV prevention & care
Drug Education, HEBAT!
Hebat!” (Hidup Sehat Bersama Sahabat = Living healthy with friends!) is an evidence based HIV prevention curriculum for junior high school students (JHSSs) in Bandung. The program is developed using the Intervention Mapping method with -1 active involvement of targeted students, teachers, related professionals and community leaders. The purpose of this curriculum is to increase HIV/AIDS-related lowledge, to develop a healthy attitude and to develop life skills needed to adopt ealthy practices among the students. Partnership between Faculty of Medicine trough the IMPACT Program and government of Bandung City through the andung AIDS Commission (KPA Kota Bandung) and Local Educational Office make iis curriculum can be piloted in five junior high schools in Bandung through the uidance and Counselling subject. Monitoring and evaluation were conducted during the piloting to 1,654 JHSSs. The monitoring phase was conducted on weekly basis through observation and self administered questionnaire among students. Focus group discussion was also held among teachers and students. The purpose was to examine the implementation processes. Beside that, the impact of the curriculum (knowledge, attitude and attention) was also evaluated by conducting pre and post tests. The monitoring results shows that the JHSSs think the curriculum fits their actual needs as young adolescents. The curriculum empowers them to protect themselves om unhealthy lifestyle. The teachers expres that they have a better relationship with their students. Both content and procedural knowledge related to this issue creases significantly among the JHSSs. They have more positive attitude towards .althy behaviors and their intention to use drugs reduces significantly. In conclusion, HEBATI has an significant impact to the JHSSs, by fulfills their actual aed and effectively change their intention to engage in risky behaviors. As a result, continuity of the program in all schools in Bandung is needed.