The Challenge Towards Journalism Educational Curriculum In Creating Qualified TV Journalists A Case Study about TV Journalist Recruitment Process at SCTV-Indosiar, ANTV, BandungTV and BaliTV
Dr. Herlina Agustin, S.Sos., MT
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
challenge, journalism and communication education, journalist qualification, TV journalist
This study was based on the finding of so many complaints towards news program in Indonesian televisions. It was assumed that the TV stations have been violating journalism principles by hiring many incapable journalists who produced irresponsible news. In this case, there must be problems in the recruitment process, the application of journalism standards, and also the quality of journalism educational background that should have been possessed by the journalists. This study of young TV journalists’ qualification is one part of a major study about Journalists Qualification Mapping at Indonesian Mass Media. Within this paper, it would be discussed the research findings at four TV companies that has been selected as the study’s objects, those are SCTV-Indosiar, ANTV, BandungTV, and BaliTV. The findings would be analyzed using relevant theories.According to the study, it was found that to find good young journalists in TV business was a very hard task. From dozens candidates, it was only about 10% who were really came with a great passion in journalism. Most of the informants mentioned that young journalists who were finally hired by the company have showed a lack of endurance and determination in the field, less innovative and less initiative. New journalists more preferred convenience, therefore the quality of their journalism work were so poor. Another finding was that journalism education was not placed as the most significant requirement by the TV stations. The skills of TV journalism were assumed to be something that can be trained after the recruitment. The basic requirements were motivation, physical appearance, and knowledge about hardware application. This is obviously become the most challenge for Journalism Education Institutions.The informants of this study stated that graduates from journalism studies have same opportunity with other candidates from other studies to be recruited. This policy came from the fact that journalism graduates could not show the capabilities expected by the media. The media valued that journalism graduates were not ready to use. As the consequences, the media suggested that the journalism education institution should create proper curriculum that might involve more practical aspects. Since journalism is a practical activity, it was suggested that journalism students must receive proper practical experiences before they actually conduct the real work as real journalists. A deep understanding about ethics and journalism idealism is also required; therefore it should be included within the curriculum.