Planula recruitment pattern based on oceanography condition in Biawak Islands, Indramayu, West Java
Candra A. Fitriadi, Yayat Dhahiyat, Noir Primadona Purba, Syawaludin A. Harahap, Donny J. Prihadi
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Conference on Biodiversity Society for Indonesian Biodiversity (SIB) Bandung, Indonesia, 28 May 2016, vol.3 no. 4 ISSN: 2407-8069
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Conference on Biodiversity Society for Indonesian Biodiversity (SIB) Bandung, Indonesia, 28 May 2016, vol.3 no. 4 ISSN: 2407-8069
Biawak Islands, coral recruitment, planula
This research aimed to know the recruitment pattern of planula in the Biawak Islands waters. The dispersion of planula and corals recruitment is an important factor to determine distribution of the adult corals. The spawning and brooding are the beginning processes of planula dispersion. Dispersion factors are highly influenced by water environment. One of the main factors in planula dispersion is sea currents. The circulation of sea currents on Biawak Island waters is influenced by the tidal movement. The results of research showed that Biawak Islands waters have mixed tide prevailing semidiurnal type of tidal movement. Sea currents of Biawak Islands waters moved from the northern toward the southern with a range of speed between 0.045-0.075 m/s on northeast and south and for west and north range of speed of sea currents are between 0.015-0.195 m/s, the sea currents movement of Biawak Islands waters was dominated by tidal movement. Biawak Islands have various wind speed, the strongest wind moved from northwestern toward southeastern by predominance speed of 4.8-7.2 m/s. The results of research showed that planula on the Biawak Island moved to northern and northeastern at high tide and then moved to southern and southeastern at low ebb with the furthest movement of planula on the Biawak Island was 2.2 Km The furthest movement of planula on the Gosong Island was 1.66 km and planula dispersed to east and west region of Gosong Island, on the Cendikia Island planula dispersed to northern and eastern with the furthest movement of planula on the Cendikia Island was 0.44 Km Based on the movement of planula, it can be concluded that source of coral reefs on the Gosong Island derived from the coral reefs on the Biawak Island.