Formulation And Stability Evaluation Of Atenolol Gel In Two Different Bases
Emma Surachman, Anis Yohana Chaerunisaa, Soraya Ratnawulan Mita, Dewi Dailah Rahmat
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings of International Seminar on Pharmaceutics, 2007
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings of International Seminar on Pharmaceutics, 2007
Aqupec Hv-505, Atenolol, gel, HPMC
The aim of the research about atenolol gel is to formulate and evaluate its stability in HPMC and Aqupec HV-505 gel base. The stability testing included organoleptic examination, pH, viscosity, consistency, bleeding, qualitative analysis by ThinLayer Chromatography (TLC) and quantitative analysis by UV-Visible Spectrophotometry during 56 days of storage. The result showed that the best formula was the one with 1% Aqupec HV-505 base (F A2). Further investigation were conducted by variating Atenolol concentration to know it’s influence into gel stability. It included organoleptic examination, pH, viscosity, consistency, bleeding, microbiology, qualitative and quantitative stability testing using Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) and UV-Visible Spectrophotometry during 56 days of storage. The result showed that the best gel formula was the one using 1% Aqupec HV-505 with 0,5% Atenolol (FA22). The patch test showed that all atenolol gels were safe to be used.