Screening Of Antifungal Bioactive Compound Against Tricophyton Mentagrophytes From Trengguli Seeds (Cassia Fistula )
Anis Yohana Chaerunisaa, Insan Sunan Kurniawansyah, Muhaimin
Universitas Padjadjaran, ISC 2008
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, ISC 2008
antifungal activity, Cassia Fistula L., Tricophyton mentagrophytes
A research on the isolation and characterization of antifungal bioactive compound against Tricophyton mentagrophytes causing human topical ringworm disease from trengguli seeds (Cassia fistula L.) had been carried out. The results showed that the compound was pale yellow crystals from aethyl acetat fraction with melting point of 150-151 OC. Ultra violet spectra in methanol gave absorbances at λmaks(nm) 226, 267 and 332 nm, while Infra Red spectra showed stretching vibration of O-H at 3510 cm-1 , stretching vibration of N-H at 3121 cm-1, stretching vibration of alifatic C-H at 2938 and 2830 cm-1. Bending vibration of aromatic C-H were shown in finger print area 965, 821 and 577 cm-1. Sharp stretching vibration of aromatic C=C were shown at 1606, 1514 and 1447 cm-1. Peaks with wave number between 1300 – 1000 cm-1 indicated C-N and C-O functional groups. Based on Phytochemical screening and literature reviews, it can be concluded that trengguli (Cassia fistula L.) seed powder which had antifungal activity against Tricophyton mentagrophytes was apomorfin alkaloids.