Gambaran Pemenuhan Tugas Perkembangan Keluarga Tahap Families with young children Pada Istri Commuter marriage Tipe Adjusting couple
Dwi Adya Rahmi
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
commuter marriage, developmental task, families with young children, family developmental task, wife, wives
Commuter marriage adalah keadaan dalam sebuah hubungan pernikahan dimana suami dan istri tetap menghendaki pernikahan namu secara sukarela memilih untuk tetap menjalani karir masing masing. Didalam pernikahan tersebut terdapat tugas perkembangan yang harus dilewati oleh pasangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai pemenuhan tugas perkembangan keluarga pada tahap families with young children pada istri commuter marriage tipe adjusting couple. Adjusting couple adalah pasangan dengan usia 0-5 tahun pernikahan, belum atau sudah memiliki anak dengan usia batita atau balita. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskrptif kuatitatif. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 39 orang istri yang menjalani commuter marriage. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Alat ukur yang diguakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dari konsep tugas perkembangan keluarga tahap families with young children Goldrick, (2014). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh responden telah memenuhi tugas perkembangan keluarga pada tahap families with young children. Sebanyak 97% responden tidak memiliki kendala dalam menjalankan tugas adjustment of couple system to make space of children. Apabila pasangan telah memiliki penghasilan dan tinggal di rumah sendiri maka pelaksanaan tugas ini menjadi dapat dipenuhi oleh pasangan. Seluruh responden telah mampu menjalankan tugas collaborating in child-rearing, financial and housekeeping task dengan banyak melakukan diskusi dengan pasangannya. Sebanyak 62% responden telah memenuhi tugas realignment of relationship with extended family to include parenting and grandparenting dengan mengikut sertakan anak dalam kegiatan rutin bersama keluarga besar. Sebanyak 90% responden telah memenuhi tugas realignment of relationship with community and large social system to include new family structure and relationship dengan mengajak anak berkeliling dan berjalan jalan di lingkungan sekitar ketika suami sedang berada di rumah.
Commuter marriage is a condition within a marriage relationship where there is a husband-wife that desire to stay in their marriage yet to choose their career opportunity voluntarily. In marriage, there are developmental tasks that are needed to be completed by both spouses. This study aims to describe the fulfillment of the families’ developmental tasks in the stage of families with young children, focusing on the commuter marriage’s wives that fall into the adjusting couple type. Adjusting couple is a couple who have 0-5 years of marriage-aged that with or without toddlers or children. This research used quantitative descriptive method. The samples are 39 wives in a commuter marriage. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. Measuring instrument that is used in this research is a questionnaire from the concept of families’ developmental tasks in the stage of families with young children taken from Goldrick (2014). Study shows all respondents have fulfilled families’ developmental tasks in families with young children. Ninety-seven percent of respondents have no obstacles in completing the task of adjusting couple system to make space of children. Couples who have an income and live in their own houses are able to complete the said task. All respondents are also able to perform the collaborating in child-rearing, financial and housekeeping task by having discussions with their spouses. Sixty-two percent of respondents have completed the task of realignment of relationship with extended family to include parenting and grand parenting through engaging their children in routine activities with other relatives. Ninety percent of respondents have completed the task of realignment of relationship with community and large social system to include new family structure and relationship through taking their children to stroll around the neighborhood when their husbands are home.