Representasi Gender Dalam Portrait Keluarga: Kajian Visual Pada Media Sosial Facebook
Ali Mecca , Aquarini Priyatna, R.M Mulyadi
Universitas Padjadjaran, Capture Jurnal Seni Media Rekam Volume 7 No. 2 Juli 2016
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Capture Jurnal Seni Media Rekam Volume 7 No. 2 Juli 2016
and gender, Famlly portrait, representation
Family portraits represent gender ideology of a family, and even more widely or a socio-culturally construct society. Family portraits are usually =wed and displayed in a concrete space, on the media wall of a living room, or a family room. Advances in technology information. bearing new space called the virtual space or cyberspace. have made It possible for family portraits be displayed in the cyberspace. The research explains how gender constructions is displayed through the representation of the family portraits.This research uses qualitative methods and semiotic approach for its analysis. The results show that gender ideology. normative values, and heteronormativity n the family portrait are represented by the position, gestures, clothing, photography. and photographic composition (aesthetics).Furthe rmore. is also shown that cyberspace has become a space that manifests gender ideology as well contributes to the family construction. Family portraits do not always display the representation of normative gender roles,but also a fam ily portrait can negotiate with the values that are considered non-normative Ideology.