Human Resources Empowerment Strategy In Local Television In West Java
Feliza Zubair, Evi Novianti, Aat Ruchiat Nugraha
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Conference On Emerging Issue In Law Business And Social Justice 2016
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Conference On Emerging Issue In Law Business And Social Justice 2016
human resources, Local television, Strategy, West Java
Local television is a limited reach television in a particular region. Through local television broadcast, it is hoped that culture and local wisdom would be able to be spread around the region. This provides local government -an option in featuring all available local potential through television. The existence of local television becomes a foundation in increasing the local economic, education, and culture development. In reality, local television is losing the competition against national television; the local viewers prefer national television rather than local television. The causes are limited investment, low creativity, and lack of quality in human resources, which inline with the quality of television program being produced. The improvement of human resources quality, especially in the staffs and management of television station, is required. The research concerns on the attempt of finding the correct strategy for improving human resources element of local television in West Java. A purposively chosen sampling of local televisions are Green TV IPB (Bogor), Dian TV (Sukabumi), RTVPurwakarta (Purwakarta), Sembilan TV (Garut). This, research uses qualitative study method by using mixed method of questionnaire, focus group discussion, and in-depth interview to local television caretaker. The result of this research conveys that local television has not yet implementing specific strategy in handling human resources factor as limited resources including financial and facilities become the main reason behind this. Local television staffs have to work double beyond their job description, which makes their jobs, cannot reach its maximum performance. The need to rectify human resources management,’ colliding with the problem of limited resources that they have, which is why the improvement will need to consider that problem. The establishment of a company culture environment in a conducive way, a high solidarity resulted from a better company-working environment, and more strategic planning associated with human resources management.