Place Branding Of Tourism And Culture Of Sawahlunto City Through Cyber Media
Evi Novianti, Nurkhalila Fajrini
Universitas Padjadjaran, The 2016 International Conference On Media Business Communications, Media Industry & Organizatonal Communications
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, The 2016 International Conference On Media Business Communications, Media Industry & Organizatonal Communications
cybermedia, International Heritage Tourism, place branding, Sawahlunto, Tourism and Culture
Sawahlunto has a form of coal mining heritage tourism, which became one of the distinguishing of towns in West Sumatra province. With the coal mining heritage tourism concept, the government of Sawahlunto conduct place branding called “International Heritage Tourism”. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the place branding activities undertaken by the Department of Tourism and Culture of Sawahlunto through the use of cyber media. By using the theory of the construction of reality by Berger & Luckmann, describes the social process through action and interaction, where social reality is constructed through a process of externalization, objectivation and internalization.This study uses a qualitative method, in which the level of research is to explore the problem with the case study method. The results show that place branding activities undertaken by using more of cyber media than printing and electronic media. Cooperation with many parties became one form ofeffective activity for place branding of Sawahlunto as International Heritage Tourism.