Rare Morphological Variant of Meningioma: A Case Report of Microcystic Meningioma
Muhammad Z. Arifin, Roland Sidabutar, Rachmanda H.Wibisono, Ahmad Faried
Universitas Padjadjaran, JSM Neurosurg Spine 3(1):(2015)
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, JSM Neurosurg Spine 3(1):(2015)
A rare variant of meningomas, Microcystic meningioma, Unusual imaging
A rare morphological variant of meningioma, known as microcystic meningioma was originally described as “humid” or vacuolated meningioma. It is difficult to distinguish this clinical entity through computed tomographic scans or magnetic resonance images, as they appear similar to glial or metastatic tumor with cystic or necrotic areas. Their similar imaging characteristics make it difficult to differentiate microcystic meningiomas from these more common pathologies. We describe the case of a 33 years old female who presented with generalized seizures, and was found to have a mass of the left parieto occipital region. Preoperative diagnosis based on imaging studies was pilocytic astrocytoma. A craniotomy tumor removal was performed, and tumor was excised. Microscopic and histopathological results established a diagnosis of microcystic meningioma. Cystic meningiomas are difficult to diagnose accurately using pre-operative imaging. Our case is unique because it presented as a rare morphological variant of meningioma that is extremely rare in our institution. Its unusual imaging might lead to confusion between extra- and intra-axial tumors. In our case, a definitive diagnosis was only possible using a histopathological examination.