Critical Pertussis in a Young Infant Requiring Mechanical Ventilation
Heda Melinda Nataprawira, Dadang Hudaya Somasetia, Sri Sudarwati, Minerva Kadir, Nanan Sekarwana
Universitas Padjadjaran, Hindawi Publishing Corporation Case Reports in Emergency Medicine Volume 2013, Article ID 125043, 3 pages, https://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/125043
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Hindawi Publishing Corporation Case Reports in Emergency Medicine Volume 2013, Article ID 125043, 3 pages, https://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/125043
Pertussis may likely be misdiagnosed in its initial or catarrhal phase as a common respiratory infection. The earlier diagnosis of pertussis really depends on the capability of the medical professional especially in the first line public health services. The lack of awareness in diagnosis of severe pertussis as one of the causes of severe respiratory problems may likely misdiagnose pertussis as respiratory failure or even septic shock. In fact, pertussis may manifest as a critical pertussis which can be fatal due to the respiratory failure that require pediatric intensive care unit using mechanical ventilation. We reported a confirmed pertussis case of a 7-weeksold female infant referred to our tertiary hospital with gasping leading to respiratory failure and septic shock requiring mechanical ventilation, aggressive fluid therapy, and antibiotics. Pertussis was diagnosed late during the course of illness when the patient was hospitalized. Improvement was noted after administering macrolide which gave a good response. Bordetella pertussis isolation from Bordet-Gengou media culture yielded positive result.