Emotions as Mediator of The Relations Between Motivational Beliefs and Achievement in Math: A Study with Sundaneese Student
Surya Cahyadi
Universitas Padjadjaran, paper presented on Second International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology 21 to 23 December, 2011
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, paper presented on Second International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology 21 to 23 December, 2011
The present study investigates the effect of students motivational beliefs (task value and selfefficacy) on math achievement with emotions (boredom and enjoyment) as mediators. Two motivational beliefs – task value and self-efficacy, 2 discrete emotions boredom and enjoyment are involved in this study in relation with math achievement. A sample of Sundaneese high school students (N= 197; 70 male and 127 female; age 15-18; grade 10 and 11) are involved in this study. Motivational Beliefs Questionaire was used to assess participants task value (á= .734) and self-efficacy (á= .810), AEQ-M (Pekrun, Goetz, & Perry, 2005) in Indonesian version were used to assess boredom (á= .857) and enjoyment (á= .850), and final exam score were used for math achievement data. Mediation analysis was conducted by estimating emotion from self-efficacy and task value as well as math achievement from emotion, taks value, and self-efficacy. The study shown that there were evidence of indirect effects of self-efficacy and task value on math achievement through emotions. Self-efficacy and task value have negative effect to boredom and boredom has negative effect to math achievement. In opposite, self-efficacy and task value have positive effect to enjoyment and enjoyment has positive effect to math achievement.