Innovation On E-learning Program In Higher Education
Budi Harsanto
Universitas Padjadjaran, The 11th International Research Conference On Quality, Innovation And Knowledge Management
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, The 11th International Research Conference On Quality, Innovation And Knowledge Management
blended learning, e-learning, innovation
The learning process is moving not only in traditional way but also being penetrated the cyberspace (e-learning). E-learning is an acronym for electronic learning that meaning a learning process that involves electronic media. The use of learning management system (LMS), course management systems, social networking or blogs evolve in such a way to support the development of e-learning. Besides LMS, in the web 2.0 era there is a tendency to use social networks like Facebook, Twitter or MySpace and blogs as e-learning applications. Social networks become very familiar in the world because of its simplicity and easy to update every day. Blogs are also popular because the reason for it. Blog is a website that provides content allows interaction between the user and the administrator. Currently also growing use of social networking and blogs as an application for the implementation of e-learning. Combination between pure e-learning and traditional way of learning is called as blended learning. As innovation in learning process, FEB UNPAD developed the use of Google Sites in their blended learning program. Google Sites chosen for easy to use and sustainability reasons. Purposes of this study are to know the features of Google Sites and to know response of users (students and faculty members) to the implementation of Google Sites as a medium of e-learning.