Hijab Fashion : Construction Of Femininity And Identity Of Muslim Women In Indonesia
Yessy hermawati, Aquarini Priyatna, Muhamad Adji
Universitas Padjadjaran, Conference SD-Book of proceeding international conference on humanities 22-23 Desember 2016, ISBN : 978-602-439-061-7, https://ich2016.usm.my
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Conference SD-Book of proceeding international conference on humanities 22-23 Desember 2016, ISBN : 978-602-439-061-7, https://ich2016.usm.my
femininity, hijab fashion, Identity, muslim women
Hijab is taken as the primary identity for Muslim women. In practice the use of hijab is not only as a form of religiousity but also cultural practices. In Indonesia, Hijab Fashion as a new trend for Muslim community is rapidly evolving into a lifestyle through consumerism. The development puts Muslim women as the major target of discourse and ideology of Hijab Fashion. It gives an opportunity to the Indonesian Muslim women to define, construct, and remark the return of femininity, identity through fashion and style displayed in a variety of media, industry and use. This paper examines the representation of Hijab Fashion shown through images in new media, especially in Instagram. Fashion photography acts as a medium that creates and communicates the image, ideology and discourse. I argue that the reading of the visual representation of hijab shows how the construction of femininity and identity of Muslim women in the development of Hijab Fashion. Using theoretical approach of cultural and gender studies, I argue that hijab fashion is shaping the lifestyle and its use as a medium of expression of new femininity and identity.