Pengaruh Goal Orientation Terhadap Student Engagement Mahasiswa Dengan Di Moderasi Academic Climate.
Nurlaela Hamidah, Surya Cahyadi, Erna Susiati
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
academic climate, Goal Orientation, goal orintation, Student Engagement
Pada pendidikan di perguruan tinggi, keterlibatan mahasiswa (student engagement) pada aktivitas akademik akan berpengaruh pada academic performance. (Astin, 1985; Pike et al.,1997). Prestasi belajar yang tinggi, mensyaratkan keterlibatan pada sekolah yang tinggi (Skinner, Wellborn, & Connel,1990;Weiner,1992;Lyon,1993; Connel & Wellborn,14; Csikszentmihalyi, 1997; Smerdon, 1999; Marks, 2000; Singh, Dika & Fikretoglue, 2002; Fredricks, Blumenfeld & Paris, 2004; Zins, et al, 2004) (dalam Jurnal Psikologi Vol.3, No.1, Juni 2012: 76-94). Student engagement mahasiswa ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh goal orientation (Dweck, 1986; Dweck & Leggett, 1988; Elliot & Dweck, 1988 dalam Schunk, 1996). Dan academic climate (Demsy, 2008; Fredrick et al, 2004; Wang & Halcombe,2010). Penelitian ini, memfokuskan untuk melihat pengaruh goal orientation terhadap student engagement yang dimoderasi oleh academic climate. Rancangan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian moderasi, yang akan melihat seberapa besar pengaruh variabel tertentu dalam hal ini variabel moderator dapat mempengaruhi atau terkait dengan ukuran efek sebuah variabel terhadap variabel lainnya. (Hayes, 2013). Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 131 mahasiswa STAI Muhammadiyah Bandung yang dijaring dengan teknik stratified random sampling. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode self report melalui pengisisn kuesioner Goal Orientation ; mastery-approach orientation(?=0,828), mastery-avoidance orientation(?=0,793); performance-approach orientation(?=0,838), performance-avoidance orientation (?=0,898), Sttudent engagement (?=0,902), dan Academic climate (?=0,958). Data dianalisis dengan teknik analisis moderasi menggunakan PROCESS Procedure for SPSS (Hayes,2013). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa academic climate tidak berpengaruh pada hubungan goal orientation terhadap student engagemant dengan nilai pengaruh 0,42% (p-value=0,414), academic climate tidak berpengaruh pada hubungan mastery-approach orientation terhadap student engagemant dengan nilai pengaruh 0,03% (p-value=0,8068), academic climate tidak berpengaruh pada hubungan mastery-avoidance orientation terhadap student engagemant dengan nilai pengaruh 0,02% (p-value=0,8525), academic climate tidak berpengaruh pada hubungan performance-approach orientation terhadap student engagemant dengan nilai pengaruh 1,32%(p-value=1,1636), academic climate tidak berpengaruh pada hubungan performance-avoidance orientation terhadap student engagemant dengan nilai pengaruh 0,09% (p-value=0,7146). Tidak berpengaruhnya academic climate sebagai variabel moderator, disebabkan karena 53,43% yang responden dalam penelitian ini memiliki persepsi negatif terhadap iklim akademik (academic climate) kampus. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, untuk dapat meningkatkan student engagement mahasiswa dapat dilakukan dengan mengembangkan iklim akademik (academic climate) yang positif.
In college education, the students engagement in academic activities will influences on their academic performance. (Astin, 1985; Pike et al., 1997). High academic performance requires high school engagement (Skinner, Wellborn, & Connel, 1990; Weiner, 1992; Lyon, 1993; Connel & Wellborn; 14; Csikszentmihalyi, 1997; Smerdon, 1999; Marks, 2000; Singh, Dika & Fikretoglue, 2002; Fredricks, Blumenfeld & Paris, 2004; Zins, et al., 2004) (in Journal of Psychology Vol.3, No.1, June 2012: 76-94). The students’ engagement may be influenced by goal orientation (Dweck, 1986; Dweck & Leggett, 1988; Elliot& Dweck, 1988 in Schunk, 1996) and academic climate (Demsy, 2008; Fredrick et al., 2004; Wang & Halcombe, 2010). This study focuses on the effects of goal orientation on the students engagement moderated by academic climate. This study used moderate research design, which wouldidentify how much the influence of a particular variable (in this case, the moderator variable)could affect or related to the size of the effects toward other variables. (Hayes, 2013). This study was conducted on 131 students of STAI Muhammadiyah Bandung who were selected using stratified random sampling technique. The data were obtained using self report method through questionnaire filling of Goal Orientation; mastery-approach orientation (? = 0.828), mastery-avoidance orientation (? = 0.793); Performance-approach orientation (? = 0.838), performance-avoidance orientation (? = 0.898), Student Engagement (? = 0.902), and Academic Climate (? = 0.958). The data were then analyzed using moderation analysis technique using PROCESS Procedure for SPSS (Hayes, 2013). The resultsshow that academic climate has no effect on goal orientation toward student engagemant with the influence value of 0,42% (p-value = 0,414), academic climate does not influence mastery-approach orientation toward student engagemant with the influence value of 0,03% (P-value = 0,8068), academic climate has no effect on the relationship between mastery-avoidance orientation and student engagemant with influence value of 0,02% (p-value = 0,8525), academic climate has no effect on the relationship between performance-approach orientation and student engagement with the influencevalue of 1,32% (p-value = 1,1636), academic climate has no effect on the relationship between performance-avoidance orientation and student engagemant with influence value of 0,09% (p-value = 0,7146). Less effect of academic climate as a moderator variable is because 53.43% of respondents in this study have a negative perception on the campus’ academic climate. Based on this research, the improvement ofthe student engagement can be done by developing goal orientation and positiveacademic climate.