The Measurement Level Of Acceptance The User Of Internet TV Services Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Survey In Indonesian Society
Umi Kaltum, Tri Febrianti
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
Internet TV Services, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Internet has become a daily necessity for the people in his life. To obtain enough information about the use of a gadget that provides Internet access or connect to the wifi then people will easily get the information they need. Of the population of Indonesia 248 million people, there are 55 million people who use the internet access (Internetworldstats, June 30, 2012). This shows that Indonesia has increased public interest in following developments in technology and current information. The Internet continues to evolve into a service that is not as expensive, faster, cheaper, provide a lot of information, and the information can be shared widely distributed (Davison, Burgess & Tatnall, 2003; Kripanont, 2007). But now, the use of the Internet in Indonesia is more of a commercial nature and involve trade. The continued development of technology to make the needs of the Internet will continue to increase. Seeing the development of technology equipment increased through laptops, mobile phones / smartphones, and other personal digital as well as the speed of Internet access continues to increase making the people of Indonesia to enter the digital era. This is evident from the use of internet access to provide entertainment such as internet TV, mobile payments, e-learning, remote security and cloud computing will increasingly continue to grow (Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2005b; Kripanont, 2007).