Sumber Belajar Bertani Pada Masyarakat Tradisional (Studi Kasus Pada Masyarakat Transmigran Lokal Di Kabupaten Sumedang)
Agus Rahmat, Cipta Edyana
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding 1st International Conference On Education, Literature, And Arts (ICELA) "Intercultural Communication Through Language, Literature, and Arts" May 17-18, 2017, Bung Hatta Building, 2nd Floor, Faculty Of Languages And Arts Universitas Negeri Jakarta Issn : 2579-8847
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding 1st International Conference On Education, Literature, And Arts (ICELA) "Intercultural Communication Through Language, Literature, and Arts" May 17-18, 2017, Bung Hatta Building, 2nd Floor, Faculty Of Languages And Arts Universitas Negeri Jakarta Issn : 2579-8847
adaptation, Learning resources, local trans migrant, opinion leader
The mistakes in understanding autonomy concept in governing system have created a narrow fanaticism on some part of a community. Conflicts between foreign communities who come through transmigration program and local communities have made some of the trans migrants went back to their former home. One of government efforts to handle these trans migrants is to locate them at a certain prepared area with facilities like houses and land to be planted. The interesting character of this people is their ability to survive through adaptation, even though there are changes, both socio sphere, biosphere, and technological aspects. The greatest factor that created their surviving ability in facing new situations is learning. Thus, it is important to find out the learning resources that can be used by the trans migrant communities and their closeness towards information resources. In terms of answering both questions, we used survey techniques on local trans migrant head of family with questionnaires as tool to gather data. The result of data processing from the questionnaires then is used for main data in focus group discussions (FGDs). The research findings showed that there are just a few learning resources in farming for the local trans migrant communities. Some learning resources which were identified by the communities for improving their knowledge are parents, public opinions from their own communities, other farmers, farming instructors, other government agents, such as social and citizenship institutions, and experts from universities. Among the existed learning resources, the closest resources considered apart from parents are the opinion leaders.