Perbandingan Kejadian Infeksi Patah Tulang Krusis Terbuka Derajat III A Setelah Pencucian Muka Menggunakan Chloroxylenol 0,24% Dan Povidone Iodine 3% Diperiksa Dengan 99m Tc-ciprofloxacin Scan Di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung
Indra N, Tandjung F, Rasyid H, Rahim A, Kartamihardja A
Universitas Padjadjaran, Majalah Orthopaedi Indonesia Juni 2011 Volume XXXIX No. 1, pp 61-78
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Majalah Orthopaedi Indonesia Juni 2011 Volume XXXIX No. 1, pp 61-78
99mTc-ciprofloxacin Scan, chloroxylenol, Open crural fracture grade IIIA, Povidone Iodine
The goals of the treatment of open crural fractures are the prevention of infection, reduction and fixation of the fracture, and restoration of function. Wound irrigation is an important part in the management of the open fracture. There are controversies about optimal additive for irrigation. Povidone iodine have been widely use as an antiseptic in surgery and wound cleansing agent but it has side effects include delayed wound healing, skin allergy and thyrotoxicosis reaction. Chloroxylenol is an antiseptic that capable to eliminate various microbes, including bacteria, mould, and methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) within 15 seconds. 99mTc-ciprofloxacin is a ciproftoxacin that bind to 99mTc. 99mTc-Ciprofloxacin have 85% sensitivity, 92% specificity, and 88% accuracy in detecting infection in orthopedics cases which seen as an increased of radioactivity uptake (hotspot). The aim of this clinical study was to compare the efficacy of chloroxylenol 0.24% with povidone iodine 3% in minimizing infection in wound irrigation of open crural fracture grade IBA. 99mTc-ciprofloxacin Scan was done on the 7th day after irrigation. Analysis study conducted to analyze the role of sex, age, type of fixation, interval between trauma and hospital admission, interval between hospital admission and surgical debridement, and interval between trauma and surgical debridement in decreasing infection. There are 30 patients with open crural fracture grade IIIA included in this study from March to August 2009 consist of 25 male and 5 female. Patient were randomized grouped into two. Group I received irrigation with NaCI-Povidone iodine 3% and group II received NaCI-Chlooxylenol 0.24%. On the group I, 40% patient has hotspot on the 99mTc-ciprofloxacin Scan and 26.7% on group II. Statistical analysis showed that there is no significant differences between two group (p>0,05). In conclusion, there was no statistically significant differences between chloroxylenol 0.24% and povidone iodine 3% in decreasing infection potential following wound irrigation of open crural fracture grade MA based on 99mTc-Ciprofloxacin scan at Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung.