Morphological Processes of Sundanese Culinary Naming
Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna, Heriyanto, Kasno Pamungkas
Universitas Padjadjaran, Kongres Internasional Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia 2016 Denpasar, 24-27 Agustus 2016
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Kongres Internasional Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia 2016 Denpasar, 24-27 Agustus 2016
morphological process, Sundanese culinary naming
Many researchers do their research on morphological processes but it is still limited numbers of researchers who do their research on Sundanese culinary naming morphologically. This research, which is considered as a preliminary research, is trying to figure out the dominant morphological processes found in the Sundanese culinary naming. The present writers hope this research can be one of the efforts in maintaining and preserving Sundanese culture. All of the Sundanese culinary used in this research is related to the meals and the beverages. The method used by the present writers in this research is descriptive method. The method chosen is used to describe the meals and beverages in Sundanese culinary as the data. The data are collected from the culinary brochures, culinary web sites, and some informants who can share their knowledge in Sundanese culinary (both meals and beverages). First of all, from the data obtained, the present writers classified the data into two classifications: they are meals and beverages. After that, the data are categorized into each type of morphological process. From both the meals and beverages data classifications, it is concluded that there are three different types of morphological processes: they are blending, compounding, and reduplication. In relation to the numbers of meals and beverages data collected, the present writers found that the dominant morphological process is blending. In conclusion, blending which is the highest morphological process found in the data; it reaches to fifty five percent, compounding as the second top morphological process reaches to thirty three percent (it consists of twenty three percent for the meals and ten percent for the beverages), and the third top morphological process is reduplication and it reaches to twelve percent.