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Efek Klinis Penggunaan Mahkota Stainless Steel Pada Gigi Molar Sulung Terhadap Kesehatan Gusi

Efek Klinis Penggunaan Mahkota Stainless Steel Pada Gigi Molar Sulung Terhadap Kesehatan Gusi
Arlette Suzy Puspa Pertiwi, drg., Sp.KGA, Meirina Gartika, drg., Sp.Ped dan Inne Suherna Sasmita, drg., Sp.Ped
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Stainless-steel crowns (SSCs) are preformed extracoronal restorations that are particularly useful in the restoration of grossly broken-down teeth, primary molars that have undergone pulp therapy, and hypoplastic primary or permanent teeth.

The aim of this study is to evaluate clinically the use of stainless steel crown in primary molars on the gingival health. The samples were 30 teeth with stainless steel crown fitted on them. The study was carried out by measuring gingival index, oral hygiene index, and marginal adaptation of the crowns.

Results showed that there was a significant effects of stainless steel crown usage on gingival health. This was due by the high incidence of gingivitis because of poorly adapted marginal crown and poor oral hygiene.

It was concluded that stainless steell crown usage may effects the gingival health.

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