The Analysis Of Public Service’s Commitment Of Kecamatan Samarangs’s Personnel In Kabupaten Garut
Ira Irawati, Nina Karlina and Candradewini
public Service’s Commitment
This research purpose is to know the public service’s commitment of Kecamatan Samarang’s personnel. The variabele of this research is public service’s commitment. This researh is made besed on the data and information that required according to the caarracteristict, problem and research’s purposes. Then researchers make the analysis to get the conclusion.
The method of this research is descriptif, to describe sistematically, factual and accurate about facts and phenomenas that investigated. The research’s populations is personnel of Kecamatan Samarang Kabupaten Garut. The sample size of this research is 24 with simple random sampling technique.
The results of this research indicated generall the public service’s commitment of Kecamatan Samarang’s personnel is verry high (very good). This situation indicate that personnels f Kecamatan Samarang Kabupaten Garut have strong commitment to increase services for Kecamatan Samatrang’s Citizens. The dimensions of service commitment on very high category, although partially there are a little indicators around the high or good category.