The Profile Of Upper Integument Lip Of Baduy Tribe, And The Nearby Living Sundanese From South Banten, West Java, Indonesia
Rachman Ardan
Baduy Tribe, Fasiogoniometer, Lip Profile, Sundanese
Face profile is determined especially by the lower third of the face. In this part of the face. the Profile of the Upper Integuments of Lip (PUIL) is the most important. The profile of the lip can be used to classify population groups. The objective of this study is to determine PUIL. which is the size of the angle formed by the profile of the upper integument of lip with the Frankfiut Horizontal Plane. in subject of 43 Inner Baduys; 92 Outer Baduys: and 135 Nearby Living S^lmdanese of South Banten. The subejcts were measured by using a selfdesiened instrument called Fasiogoniometer. The result of this study showed that PUIL. in Inner Baduy and Outer Baduy compared with Nearby Living S^lmdanese are significantly different. but between Inner Baduy and Outer Baduy is not significant. Inner Baduy. Outer Baduy and Sundanese are procheili, but Inner Baduy and Outer Baduy are more procheili than the Nearby Living Sundanese. The result of this study supports the sociocultural and historical background of population groups in South Banteq West Java, Indonesia.