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Cervical Anatomy For Endoscopy

Cervical Anatomy For Endoscopy
Rully Hanafi Dahlan
Universitas Padjadjaran, Saarland University Medical Center Departement Of Neurosurgery, 6th Homburger Neuroendoscopy Week 2017 Endoscopic Neuro And Spine Surgery, Module 2 : Spinal Endocsopy The Easygo Sytem And Other Concepts, September 13-15, 2017 In Homburg-saar,Germany
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Saarland University Medical Center Departement Of Neurosurgery, 6th Homburger Neuroendoscopy Week 2017 Endoscopic Neuro And Spine Surgery, Module 2 : Spinal Endocsopy The Easygo Sytem And Other Concepts, September 13-15, 2017 In Homburg-saar,Germany

The most frequent pain syndrome in the musculoskeletal system after the low back pain is the neck and arm pain. Classically, every person out of three suffers neck pain at5 leastonce in his/her lifetime.4 The frequency of chronic neck pain can be as high as 70%. The prevalence of acute neck pain is 10% in males, while the same is 13% in females. Frequency of the acute and self-limiting neck pain reaches 18% in clinical practice.Stookey described some neurological pictures related to the cervical disc herniationin 1928. Schmorl, Keyes and Compere carried out studies on the physiopathology of the intervertebral disc in the early 1930s, and established the grounds for the understanding of disc herniation; with this, the causative relations of the disc herniation were more clearly established. Bailey and Badgley published the anterior approach in cervical traumas in 1952 and opened an important route in the surgical treatment. Following this, Cloward and SmithRobinson separately described the cervical discectomy and fusion as a surgical technique in 1958. Following this, Hirsch reported a series of 7 patients with cervical disc pathologies that They had performed simple discectomy in 1960.9 Cervical discectomy that became popular gradually gained greater success with the introduction of the surgical microscope to the spinal cases enabling the shift to micro discectomy step. However, the complications related to the classical open surgery and fusion and long recovery periodsled to the searches for minimal invasive methods also in the cervical disc herniation. Starting from 1990s, experiences achieved in the arthroscopic surgery and advanced endoscopic instruments together with the laser technology allowed the application of anteroposterior cervical discectomy procedures with percutaneous endoscopy or endoscopic help.

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