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The Effect of MnO2 addition on The Electrical Characteristics of Fe2TiO5 Ceramics Sintered at 1200°C for NTC Thermistors

The Effect of MnO2 addition on The Electrical Characteristics of Fe2TiO5 Ceramics Sintered at 1200°C for NTC Thermistors
Wiendartun . Risdiana, Fitrilawati, Dani Gustaman Syarif, R.E. Siregar
Universitas Padjadjaran, 3rd Jogja International Conference on Physics 2012 18-19 September 2012 , Gajah Mada University, Jogyakarta, Indonesia, https://ugm.ac.id/en/news/7269-
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, 3rd Jogja International Conference on Physics 2012 18-19 September 2012 , Gajah Mada University, Jogyakarta, Indonesia, https://ugm.ac.id/en/news/7269-International.conference.on.physics.1819.september.2012
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The affect of MnO2 addition on the characteristics of Fe2TiO5 ceramics for NTC thermistors has been gulled in order to produce high performance thermistor. Powder of MnO2 derived from commercial with various concentration of : 0. 0.5 and 1.0 mole % were mixed homogeneously in appropriate proportions to produce Fe2TiO5 based ceramics. The mixed ponders were pressed with pressure of 4 ton/cm2 to form pellets. The green pellets were antlered at 1200.0 for 2 hours in furnace air. Electrical characterizations of the pellets were done by measuring electrical resistivity (PRT) of the sintered ceramics at various temperatures from 5.5°C to 310°C. The pellets were also subjected to XRD and SEM analyses In order to know crystal structure and microstructure of the pellets. The XRD data showed that the dominant phase of the all ceramics was FegiOs. According to the electrical data, it was found that adding MnO2; to the Fe2TiO5 increased the thermistor constant (B) and the electrical resistance of the ceramics decreased with the increase of the MnO2: concentration. Thermistor constant (B) of the ceramics was relatively big of 5146.4oK to 6612.4oK. The value of B Indicated that adding MnO2 to the Fe2TiO5 will Increase performance of NTC thermistor.

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