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The Differences Of The Occlusal Groove Pattern Of Lower Molar Between The Pre-historic Men And Modern Me

The Differences Of The Occlusal Groove Pattern Of Lower Molar Between The Pre-historic Men And Modern Me
Rachman Ardan
, , ,

Dental changes in long period of time is a series of evolutionary process of human body. This study is to compare the occlusal groove pattern of lower jaw molar between the pre-historic men and modern men. The population of pre-historic men is specimens of mandible of hominid fossils collection from the Geological Research and Development Center in Bandung, in which housed at Quaternary Geology Laboratory, and for modern men is the pre-clinic students of Faculty of Dentistry, Padjadjaran University. The results of the study reveals that there are no differences in the groove pattern of first molar between prehistoric men and modern men, but in second and third molars the differences are obvious.

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