First Note of Benthic Foraminifera Assemblages in Serasan Sea, South Natuna, Indonesia
Isnaniawardhani, Vijaya, Natsir, Suhartati
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
Foraminifera assemblages, Indonesia, Serasan Sea, South Natuna
Foraminifera assemblages were studie dinmarine surfaces ediments from shallowopenmarine,reefal, Mangrove and sandycoastal near Serasan, RiauIslands Province. The twelvedeposits(sand, silty sand And in clay) contain microorganism shellfragments.This study is conducted toidentifyforaminifera study area, as well as determine abundance, dominant and typical of assemblages in this area based on Quantitative data analyses. The study was done in several stages: literature study, field work and Samples collection, laboratory analyses, identical and overview of the taxonomy of each taxon. The fifty nine genera of benthic foraminifera were identified in the sediment samples, in low to high abundance. The assemblages was dominantly composed of Suborder Rotaliina, the calcareous forms, reached more than 54% of total assemblages (average 78%). Reusella, Cancris, Eponides, Neoeponides, Orbitina, Neoconorbina, Rosalina, Siphoninoides, Discorbia, Lobatula, Planorbulinella, Gypsina, Cymbaloporetta, Epistomaroides, Amphistegina, Nonion, Nonionoides, Heterolepa, Gyroidina,Hanzawaia, Pararotalia, Rotalia, Ammonia, Asterorotalia, Pseudorotalia, Baculogypsinoides, Calcarina, Elphidium, Parrellina, Assilina, Heterostegina and unidentified rotaloid foram are classified into this group. Porceleneous shells that typified by subordo Miliolina and Lagenina, occur less than 29% (average 17%). Genera Adelosina, Spiroloculina, Agglutinella, Ammomasilina, Lachlanella, Massilina, Quinqueloculina, Miliolinella, Pseudomassilina, Pyrgo, Triloculina, Peneroplis, Archaias, Marginopora, and young miliolidae are classified into suborder Miliolina; whereas Lagena, Guttulina, Oolina, and Glandulina are Lagenina. Subordo Textulariina and Spirillinina with arenaceous shells are appears rarely in samples. Suborder Textulariina is represented by genera Ammobaculites, Spiroplectinella, Spirotextularia, Dorothia, Karreriella, Bigerina, Sahulia, Textularia, and Clavulina. Spirilina is the only genus of Suborder Spirillinina. The most frequently encountered genera are Eponides, Amphistegina, Heterolepa, Ammonia, Elphidium, and Assilina (suborder Rotaliina), Quinqueloculina (Miliolina) and Textularia (Textulariina). The most abundant benthic foraminifera is Asterorotalia (represented by A. trispinosa Thalmann) that recorded in open marine and near reef samples. It was found that high abundance and diversity of benthic foraminifera assemblages were recorded in open marine.