Senyawa Antifertilitas dari Kulit Batang Pulai (Alstonia scholaris)
Euis Julaeha, Tri Mayanti, Nia Indriyani
Universitas Padjadjaran, Diseminarkan pada Seminar Nasonal Himpunan Kimia Indonesia 2010 (SNHKI-2010), Tangga12-3 Agostus 2010, di Universitas Hasanudin, Makasar
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Diseminarkan pada Seminar Nasonal Himpunan Kimia Indonesia 2010 (SNHKI-2010), Tangga12-3 Agostus 2010, di Universitas Hasanudin, Makasar
Alstonia scholaris, Antifertilitas, antifertility, pulai, sitosterol glikosida, sitosterol glycoside
Ekstrak kulit batang Alstonia scholaris dilaporkan dapat menurunkan kualitas sperma tikus jantan, namun senyawa aktifnya belum diketahui. Dalam penelitian ini bertuiuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengkarakterisasi senyawa antifertilitas dati kulit batang A. scholaris, serta mengamati pengaruhnya terbadap kualitas sperma manusia secara in vitro. lsolasi senyawa dilaknkan dengan metode ekstraksi dan kromatografi. Elusidasi struktor kimia dilakukan berdasarkan data spektroskopi UV, IR, dan ID dan 2D NMR. Pengujian antifertilitas dilakukan secara in vitro terhadap sperma manusia. Hasil isolasi diperoteh suatu padatan amorf tidak berwarna yang memiliki rumus molekul C35H60O6. Pada konsentrasi 12,5 ng/uL., isolat dapat menurunkan motilitas dan viabilitas, serta menaikkan abnormalitas berturut-turut sebesar 119%; 60%, dan 56%. Isolat teridentifikasi sebagai sitosterol glikosida.
Extract of bark of Alstonia scholaris was reported decreasing quality sperm of male rat, but its active compound was not yet known This research has purpose to isolate and to characterize an antifertility compound from the bark of A. scholaris, and also to know the anuferttltty effect toward human sperm in vitro. Isolation of the compounds was carried out by extraction and chromatographic methods. Elucidation of chemical structure was done on the basis of spectroscopic evidences including UV, IR, ID and 2D NMR, The antifertility testing was evaluated against human sperm in vitro. The result of isolation was obtained a amorphous colorless powder, which hadformula structure C35H60O6. At concentration of 12.5 ng/ul, isolate can decreased motility and Viability, and also can increased abnormality were 119%; 60%, and 56% respectively. Isolate was identified as sitosterol glycoside.