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Gunning Fog Indext Of Linguistics And Mathematics

Gunning Fog Indext Of Linguistics And Mathematics
Eva Tuckyta Sari Sultana
Universitas Padjadjaran, Linguistics Scientific Meeting International Conference Proceedings International Conference, The Contents of LSM International Seminar, Post Graduate Program Padjadjaran University 2015 , Unpad Press, ISBN 978-602-0810-29-4
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Linguistics Scientific Meeting International Conference Proceedings International Conference, The Contents of LSM International Seminar, Post Graduate Program Padjadjaran University 2015 , Unpad Press, ISBN 978-602-0810-29-4
, ,

Gunning Fog Index (GFI) is commonly used to confirm how easy or difficult a text is to read. The index is influenced by the average sentences length and the percentage of words of three or more syllables. This research tries to describe the GFI of the Linguistics and Math abstracts. The abstracts obtained from academic writing articles which are published in the international academic journal inflei Pd by Proquest. The result shows, in Linguistics abstracts, the average sentences length is 29.37 and the percentage of words of three or more syllables is 15.28 while in Math abstracts, the average sentences length is 21.25 and the percentage of words of three or more syllables is 18.19. As the result, the GFI of the Linguistics abstracts is higher than the Mathematics abstracts. The average of GFI of the Linguistics abstracts is 17.91 and the Mathematics abstract is 15.80.

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