On The Exploitation Of A_two-patch Metapopulation With Delayed Juvenile Recruitment And Predation
Asep K. Supriatna
Exploitation, Junevile, Metapopulation, Predation, Predator, Two_Patch
In this paper we discuss the application of the Lagrange multipliers method in natural resource modelling. We use the method to determine optimal harvesting strategies for a two-patch metapopulation with delayed juvenile recruitment and predation. We investigate the eects of time-delay and predation on the optimal harvesting levels of the metapopulation. We found that when the delays are the same for both subpopulations, the model in this paper suggests that we should harvest a relative source subpopulation more conservatively than the other subpopulation. However, when the delays are dierent, then there is a trade-o between the delays and the source/sink status of the subpopulations in determining the optimal harvesting strategies for the metapopulation.